Hello! About a month has passed since we released Lenny, and it’s time to formally kick off Squeeze development. We’ve been busy with other stuff, but finally we’ve sat down and prepared an initial “big picture” mail. This first mail (in a hopefully regular series) is a declaration of principles, a call for feedback and ideas, a planning of our next actions, an update on the current state of affairs, and some other bits. Please read on! Principles ========== I believe it’s very important we communicate these clearly. It’s going to sound like a joke, but the Release Managers will take them very seriously. Let’s start with a statement of purpose: The main aim of the Release Team is to help the Project deliver a release the developers will be proud of, with a development process they’ll find satisfactory, and with a balanced timeline that will meet the needs of developers and end-users. Wow, that’s ambitious, but we truly believe in it. I don’t like the vision (not that it’s been common) that Release Managers are here to dictate what the Project should do. Instead, I believe it’s of critical importance that the RMs place their efforts in ensuring the concerns and desires of the developers get addressed and materialized to the possible extent. So, here’s our deal for the Squeeze development cycle, during which we will: * actively seek and act upon feedback and criticism from the developers, in order to prevent past mistakes from happening again, and improve the interaction between the RT and the rest of the project. * engage in discussions with the developers at large, as well as particular groups and teams, to get a clear picture of what their concerns, objectives and proposed solutions are. * make judgement calls doing our best to stay in the same page as the rest of the developers, clearly communicating our rationales so they can be discussed. * be permanently open to ongoing feedback and criticism. In fact, we will depend on it to live up to our standards, because forgetting about them is easy in stressful times. * cut people lots of slack, because we’re only all human and we all deserve it. And enough said already, hopefully for a long time. Kicking off proceeds. Criticism and wishes ==================== *** feedback@release.debian.org *** It’s rant-time o’clock. We would like you to stop and think about: * things you didn’t like, or that plainly sucked, about the Lenny development cycle or about Lenny itself, why they were a problem, and (if you can) your proposed solutions. We are aware of many of them already, but mentioning them will allow us to see which of them are the biggest worries among the developers, and everybody will have different ideas on how to solve them. * things you think can be improved in our development cycles, or that could be done differently for Squeeze, why they are important to address, and how we could do better in those regards. We ask that you mail us in private, to the above address. We would prefer not to start on-list discussions yet if that’ll be okay with you, because we believe it’s going to be better if we process all the feedback at once, detect common concerns, and do an orderly discussion afterwards; see below about this. The above address is also the address to use during all of Squeeze’s development cycle when you have to call on us about ongoing problems or concerns. Emails to that address are not archived, and received only by the Release Managers, though of course unless explicitly noted, the ideas expressed in them will be mentioned in public when it’s necessary to have discussions about them. Next actions ============ The Release Team hopes to hold a face-to-face meeting during April. Our intent is to process and dissect all the feedback and ideas received, and to make a plan out of it. Or, rather, a proposal for a plan. We will detect common areas of concern, and we’ll present to the project our proposed solutions where they’re straightforward to address, and our ideas to solve them where not, in order to discuss them project-wide during May and June. In the meantime, we don’t want the need for these discussions to block any development to happen, or prevent work on goals for Squeeze from starting. Technical discussions can happen at any time, so please do start to bring up for review and discussion the project-wide improvements that you’d like to see happen in Squeeze. We’ll be keeping an eye on several lists, but if you want to make sure you grab our attention, or you’re actually proposing a Release Goal, please Bcc debian-release@lists.debian.org. Discussion should not happen there, though: in general, debian-devel is the appropriate list for project-wide development matters, and other developers should get a chance to raise their concerns about a proposed Release Goal. You can make Squeeze rock if you’re committed to it! Immediate affairs ================= During this past month, the Release Team has been busy with approving and tracking library transitions. We’ve recently sent an update to the debian-devel mailing list [1] about some progress in future handling of these. [1]: http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2009/03/msg00775.html As a reminder, and until we have proper documentation of procedures in this area in place, just make sure: * you coordinate library transitions with debian-release@lists.d.o * you provide information about whether reverse dependencies rebuild fine without changes, or source adjustments are needed * do not gratuitously rename your development packages without assessment from us, as to facilitate automatic rebuilds of reverse dependencies And that’s all for now. Cheers, -- - Are you sure we're good? - Always. -- Rory and Lorelai
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