FINAL call for votes for the Lenny release GR
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In the second call for votes, I said:
> I corrected the date and time for ending this vote which were in error in the
> first call for votes.
Sadly, I still didn't get it quite right. One more tweak, this time with the
real final closing date and time for this vote. Please pay careful attention
to the closing date and time for this vote! Don't wait, vote now!
FINAL CALL FOR VOTES FOR THE Lenny Release General Resolution
===== ==== === ===== === === ===== ======= ======= ==========
Voting period starts 00:00:01 UTC on Sunday, December 14th, 2008
Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC on Saturday, December 27th, 2008
This ballot is for a vote being conducted as required by the Debian
Constitution. You may see the constitution at For voting questions contact
Also, note that you can get a fresh ballot any time before the end of
the vote by sending a mail to
with the subject "gr_lenny".
First, read the full text of the various proposals.
To cast a vote, it is necessary to send this ballot, with the text form
(which is embedded later in this ballot) filled out, to a dedicated
e-mail address, in a signed message, as described below. The dedicated
email address this ballot should be sent to is:
The form you need to fill out is contained at the bottom of this
message, marked with two lines containing the characters
'-=-=-=-=-=-'. Do not erase anything between those lines, and do not
change the choice names.
There are 7 choices in the form, which you may rank with numbers between
1 and 7. In the brackets next to your preferred choice, place a 1.
Place a 2 in the brackets next to your next choice. Continue until you
reach your last choice. Do not enter a number smaller than 1 or larger
than 7.
You may skip numbers, leave some choices unranked, and rank options
equally. Unranked choices are considered equally the least desired
choices, and ranked below all ranked choices.
Make sure you have read the proposals in detail.
To vote "no, no matter what", rank "Further Discussion" as more desirable
than the unacceptable choices, or you may rank the "Further Discussion"
choice and leave choices you consider unacceptable blank. (Note: if the
"Further Discussion" choice is unranked, then it is equal to all other
unranked choices, if any -- no special consideration is given to the
"Further Discussion" choice by the voting software).
Finally, mail the filled out ballot to:
Don't worry about spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that
your reply inserts.
NOTE: The vote must be GPG signed (or PGP signed) with your key that is
in the Debian keyring. The voting software (Devotee) accepts mail that
either contains only an unmangled OpenPGP message (RFC 2440 compliant),
or a PGP/MIME mail (RFC 3156 compliant). You may, if you wish, choose to
send a signed, encrypted ballot: use the vote key appended below for
- - - -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
[ ] Choice 1: Reaffirm the Social Contract
[ ] Choice 2: Allow Lenny to release with proprietary firmware [3:1]
[ ] Choice 3: Allow Lenny to release with DFSG violations [3:1]
[ ] Choice 4: Empower the release team to decide about allowing DFSG violations [3:1]
[ ] Choice 5: Assume blobs comply with GPL unless proven otherwise
[ ] Choice 6: Exclude source requirements for firmware (defined) [3:1]
[ ] Choice 7: Further Discussion
- - - -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
The actual text of the various options are as follows. Please note
that this does not include preludes, prologues, any preambles to the
resolution, post-ambles to the resolutions, abstracts, fore-words,
after-words, rationales, supporting documents, opinion polls,
arguments for and against, and any of the other important material you
will find on the mailing list archives. Please read the debian-vote
mailing list archives for details.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Choice 1: Reaffirm the Social Contract
========= ======== === ====== ========
1. We affirm that our Priorities are our users and the free
software community (Social Contract #4);
2. We acknowledge that we promised to deliver a 100% free operating
system (Social Contract #1);
3. Given that we have known for two previous releases that we have
non-free bits in various parts of Debian, and a lot of progress
has been made, and we are almost to the point where we can
provide a free version of the Debian operating system, we will
delay the release of Lenny until such point that the work to
free the operating system is complete (to the best of our
knowledge as of 1 November 2008).
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Choice 2: Allow Lenny to release with proprietary firmware [3:1]
====== == ===== ===== == ======= ==== =========== ======== =====
1. We affirm that our Priorities are our users and the free
software community (Social Contract #4);
2. We acknowledge that there is a lot of progress in the kernel
firmware issue; most of the issues that were outstanding at the
time of the last stable release have been sorted out. However,
new issues in the kernel sources have cropped up fairly
recently, and these new issues have not yet been addressed;
3. We assure the community that there will be no regressions in the
progress made for freedom in the kernel distributed by Debian
relative to the Etch release in Lenny (to the best of our
knowledge as of 1 November 2008);
4. We give priority to the timely release of Lenny over sorting
every bit out; for this reason, we will treat removal of
sourceless firmware as a best-effort process, and deliver
firmware as part of Debian Lenny as long as we are legally
allowed to do so.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Choice 3: Allow Lenny to release with DFSG violations [3:1]
====== == ===== ===== == ======= ==== ==== ========== =====
1. We affirm that our Priorities are our users and the free
software community (Social Contract #4);
2. We acknowledge that there is a lot of progress in the kernel
firmware issue; however, they are not yet finally sorted out;
3. We assure the community that there will be no regressions in the
progress made for freedom in the kernel distributed by Debian
relative to the Etch release in Lenny (to the best of our
knowledge as of 1 November 2008);
4. We give priority to the timely release of Lenny over sorting
every bit out; for this reason, we will treat removal of
sourceless firmware as a best-effort process.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Choice 4: Empower the release team to decide about allowing DFSG violations [3:1]
====== == ======= === ======= ==== == ====== ===== ======== ==== ========== ====
1. Debian's priorities are our users and free software. We don't
trade them against each other. However, while getting a release
out of the door, decisions need to be made about how to get a
rock-stable release of the high quality Debian is known for,
release more or less on time, and to minimize the usage of
problematic software. We acknowledge that there is more than
just one minefield our core developers and the release team are
working on.
2. We as Developers at large continue to trust our release team to
follow all these goals, and therefore encourage them to continue
making case-by-case decisions as they consider fit, and if
necessary we authorize these decisions.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Choice 5: Assume blobs comply with GPL unless proven otherwise
1. We affirm that our Priorities are our users and the free
software community (Social Contract #4);
2. We acknowledge that there is a lot of progress in the kernel
firmware issue; most of the issues that were outstanding at the
time of the last stable release have been sorted out. However,
new issues in the kernel sources have cropped up fairly
recently, and these new issues have not yet been addressed;
3. We assure the community that there will be no regressions in the
progress made for freedom in the kernel distributed by Debian
relative to the Etch release in Lenny (to the best of our
knowledge as of 1 November 2008);
4. We give priority to the timely release of Lenny over sorting
every bit out; for this reason, we will treat removal of
sourceless firmware as a best-effort process, and deliver
firmware as part of Debian Lenny as long as we are legally
allowed to do so, and the firmware is distributed upstream under
a license that complies with the DFSG.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Choice 6: Exclude source requirements for firmware (defined) [3:1]
Firmware is data such as microcode or lookup tables that is loaded
into hardware components in order to make the component function
properly. It is not code that is run on the host CPU.
Unfortunately such firmware often is distributed as so-called blobs,
with no source or further documentation that lets us learn how it
works or interacts with the hardware in question. By excluding such
firmware from Debian we exclude users that require such devices from
installing our operating system, or make it unnecessarily hard for
1. firmware in Debian does not have to come with source. While we
do prefer firmware that comes with source and documentation we
will not require it,
2. we however do require all other freedoms that the DFSG mandate
from components of our operating system, and
3. such firmware can and should be part of our official
installation media.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
The responses to a valid vote shall be signed by the vote key created
for this vote. The public key for the vote, signed by the Project
secretary, is appended below.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.8+ <>
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