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Bits from Tcl/Tk team

Hi Debianers

As already announced to all interested maintainers whose packages depend on Tcl/Tk,
there is an ongoing effort of drafting a policy for team maintainance of Tcl/Tk
main packages and their modules/extensions. This is now an announce to
the larger audience of all maintainers in order to inform also people who
could be interested in packaging Tcl/Tk related packages in the next future.

Current draft is available at [1] and is generated daily. 

It starts to be in good shape and near its final form, but comments and improvements 
are welcome, of course. 

The new policy tries to be as much as possible backward compatible, but there 
is at least an aspect which will introduce a breakage with the past (the removing 
of /usr/lib among $auto_path list [2]), mainly introduced to solve current 
performance-impacting situation. Tcl/Tk developers should refer to
possible issues with their own extensions building due to this change (see [3]).

Interested maintainers are already informed and we are intentioned to
perform a NMU cycle to solve issues with current packages whenever needed,
in order to have the new policy implemented as our main Lenny goal.

Another notably change is the introduction of proper default packages for Tcl and Tk
which are introduced in order to simplify major version upgrades for modules and
extensions. Those package will be introduced smoothly and won't break anything
in Lenny. 

You can find more information about the policy ratios at [4].

Thanks to Sergei Golovan, the new policy is yet almost implemented in
the subversion repository for the core packages and an experimental 
upload will happen as soon as possible to allow wide testing among 
Tclers before introducing new core packages in sid.  

As said, there is still space and time for improvements and fixes to the policy.

Happy hacking


[1] http://pkg-tcltk.alioth.debian.org/tcltk-policy.html/
[2] http://pkg-tcltk.alioth.debian.org/tcltk-policy.html/ch-tcltk.html#s-paths
[3] http://pkg-tcltk.alioth.debian.org/tcltk-policy.html/ap-debian_oddities.html
[4] http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DebianTclTk/DebianTclTkPolicyCommentary

Francesco Lovergine
(in behalf of the Tcl/Tk team)

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