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Bits from the DPL: DSA and a few other things

   I have been rather quiet during the last few months. Not really
because I wasn't doing anything, but because most of what I have been
doing was done by private e-mail. Apparently people are expecting the
DPL to disappear around the middle of their term, because I did not
get many complaints. But I learned the lesson. And well, I now have a
reason to regain motivation.

\o/ DSA++ \o/

   I am very, very pleased to let you know that this morning Phil
Hands (fil) added Peter Palfrader (weasel) to the adm group. Which
means that the DSA team now has a new member! The first since, wow,
quite some time.

   I am grateful to everyone who made this possible, for bearing with
my insistance, for making concessions, for being patient, and I hope
this is only the first step to bigger and better teams in Debian. Of
course the path is still long but I must admit this is truly refreshing.
I wish great success to Peter for the thankless job that awaits him.


   After meeting Michael Man and several Sun people at Debconf and
seeing Michael's great talk[1] I got really convinced that
the technology present in OpenSolaris could benefit Debian in many
ways. And the shortest path to there seemed to be Nexenta[2].

   I am currently discussing the possibility of having a Nexenta
machine accessible to Debian developers to port and test their
packages. I also suggested the Nexenta people to submit patches
directly to Debian and try to join friendly packaging teams. Please
be nice to them!


   Last month I attended Encuentro Linux 2007[3] in Arica, Chile where
I gave a talk about the history and organisation of Debian and how to
help and become a member of the project[4]. Due to various issues (such
as my passport being stolen when I was 2000 km away from the conference)
I did not have the time to give my other planned talk about attracting
developers who do not speak English to Debian and FLOSS projects[5].

   Fortunately I was able to discuss it with members of the local
communities. My goal is to understand why such a large Spanish-speaking
area has so few Debian developers, and what we can do about that. One of
my observations was that two very important documents (the Debian Policy[6]
and the Debian Developer's Reference[7]) were not translated into Spanish,
while for instance there is a French translation of the latter. Any

[1] https://penta.debconf.org/~joerg/track/DebConf/29.en.html
[2] http://www.gnusolaris.org/
[3] http://2007.encuentrolinux.cl/
[4] http://sam.zoy.org/lectures/20071013-debian
[5] http://sam.zoy.org/lectures/20071013-latam
[6] http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/
[7] http://www.debian.org/doc/developers-reference/


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