Hello world, The Debian GNU/kFreeBSD porters are pleased to announce that there is now a Debian GNU/kFreeBSD amd64 machine available to the Debian developers. The machine name is "asdfasdf.debian.net". It is kindly hosted by "ETH Zürich, Department of Physics". We would like to thank them for their contribution to the GNU/kFreeBSD development. It comes as a complement to the Debian GNU/kFreeBSD i386 developer accessible machine called "io.debian.net". The machine is accessible to Debian developers, you need to activate your account before accessing it the first time. The accounts are shared with "io.debian.net". Please see http://io.debian.net/ssh.html for the instructions on how to activate your account. If you need to contact the asdfasdf.debian.net admins (e.g. if you need a package to be installed), send your mail to admin@asdfasdf.debian.net. Note that this system is not administered by DSA, so do not send any requests to debian-admin about it. Regards, Debian GNU/kFreeBSD porters
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