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Procedural rulings about proposing and sponsoring General resolutions


        Under the following sections of the constitution:

|   4.1. Powers
|     5. Proposals, sponsors, amendments, calls for votes and other
|        formal actions are made by announcement on a publicly-readable
|        electronic mailing list designated by the Project Leader's
|        Delegate(s); any Developer may post there.
|     6. Votes are cast by email in a manner suitable to the Secretary. The
|        Secretary determines for each poll whether voters can change their
|        votes.
|   A.3. Voting procedure
|     4. In cases of doubt the Project Secretary shall decide on matters of
|        procedure.

        Here are the rules for proposals and sponsorship:

 1. The electronic mailing list designated is
    debian-vote@lists.debian.org.  This is the authoritative source of
    the full text of all resolutions, as well as the supporting
    arguments and other material.
 2. Every proposal and sponsoring email must be signed with the
    cryptographic key that lives in the Debian keyrings. The keyrings
    are part of the authoritative answer to who is or is not a Debian
 3. Every proposal must clearly indicate the bounds of the proposal,
    which must be clearly delineated from surrounding text of the mail
    message.  Every sponsor must also indicate they full text they are
    sponsoring. This implies that the sponsor may not just cite the
    whole message in toto.
 4. When the vote is called, the proposer or a sponsor of every
    proposal or amendment must provide a final version of the proposal
    or amendment in wml format for inclusion on the web pages of the
    Debian project. This wml snippet must be verified to contain
    exactly the text that was delineated and sponsored.
 5. When the vote is called, the proposer or a sponsor of every
    proposal or amendment must provide a single line (60 character)
    synopsis of their proposal or amendment. This synopsis shall be
    taken into account by the secretary when creating the ballot.

        Failing items 4 and 5, the secretaries version shall be deemed
 final. It is strongly suggested that the proposers and sponsors be
 prepared with the matter in question before the end of the minimal
 discussion period, since the vote shall not be delayed on account of
 these missing items.

ps: This holds for any proposals currently underway
pps: I personally suggest that people include the proposal as a plain
     text mime part,  disposition inline, and sign that inlined plain
     text part;  that makes it very clear what the proposal is.
Even more amazing was the realization that God has Internet access.  I
wonder if He has a full newsfeed? -- Matt Welsh
Debian Project Secretary <secretary@debian.org> <http://www.debian.org/vote/>
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