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kernel-package hooks transition


        In the recent 10.X series, kernel package has started
 producing image packages whose maintainer scripts use debconf for
 user interaction.  Unfortunately, this meant that any hook scripts
 called in the maintainer scripts for the image package (update-grub
 comes to mind), if they wrote anything at all to the STDout, would
 cause debconf to throw hissy fits, since it was expecting commands on
 STDOUT, not random chatter from the hook scripts.

        One solution was to call db_stop before calling the hook
 scripts, and redirecting stdout to stderr  in hte invocation of the
 scripts. Unfortunately, this made any scripts that used debconf

        So, either we ban scripts that are interactive, or scripts
 that scribble on stdout.  Since the former makes some functionality
 impossible (some scripts can delicer added functionality and
 flexibility of they can interact with users), and the latter just
 needs a code change, I would prefer to ask packages that provide
 scripts to be used in kernel image postinst/postrm to use debconf for
 user interaction, and to send diagnostics to STDERR.

        A big FAT warning shall be installed in NEWS.Debian for
 kernel-package. Since this change potentially shall make people who
 use Sid have kernel-images whose postinst fails (though the kernel
 image is fine, in most cases, and boots all right), I decided that
 using d-d-a was justified.

        I would appreciate people fixing their postinst scrripts not
 to scribble to stdout.

I like your game but we have to change the rules.
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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