I've been advised by a person acting as my unofficial counsel to clarify my previous message a bit. On Sat, Aug 28, 2004 at 01:12:29AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote: > There's this completely mindless twit, "Frank Carmickle" subscribed to > debian-boot who spams the list with every message he received from it -- > including his own automated replies, creating a very nasty feedback loop. > > Using software purportedly written by "Marco Paganini", he has generated > over 750 messages to debian-boot in less than 12 hours. > > I believe it is morally imperative upon every Debian Developer to pledge to > kill these people should we ever meet them in person. For anyone who's unfamiliar with a common English metaphor, "kill" in the above facetious statement, when read with the facetious tone in mind, means more seriously "mock, scorn, and/or humiliate". Please -- mock, scorn, and humiliate these people until they make restitution and amends for the misery they have caused. I'm serious about that. If you think they can be educated, I wish you luck. Have the mockery, scorn, and humiliation ready in reserve just in case. -- G. Branden Robinson | Debian GNU/Linux | "Bother," said Pooh, as he was branden@debian.org | assimilated by the Borg. http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |
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