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Bits from the next DPL

I'd like to thank everyone who voted in this election, and I'm glad that
you have chosen me to be your next Debian Project Leader.

This year's election has certainly been a very interesting one.  Most of
the candidates had well thought-out platforms with great ideas in them.
This fact also shows in the results of the election -- the first three
candidates were very close together.  I will therefore look at the other
candidates' platforms again in detail and incorporate some of their ideas
into my program.  Furthermore, I am very interested in working together
with Bdale and Branden (especially in his function as Treasurer of SPI).
Finally, if you have any ideas or request, please don't hesitate to get
in contact with me!

The election started fairly early this year.  Last year, voting ended on
April 16th, 2002 (see http://www.debian.org/vote/2002/vote_0001) and Bdale
was appointed DPL on April 17th for the term of one year.  Hence, my term
starts on Thursday, April 17th, 2003.  I will use the time until then to
contact the delegates and to work with Bdale in order to ensure a smooth

I am very grateful that you have chosen me as your DPL and accept the
responsibility that comes with this position.

Thank you.
Martin Michlmayr

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