Hi, I got this message here:
--- Begin Message ---
- To: leader@debian.org
- Cc: secretary@debian.org
- Subject: Independent Count
- From: Moshe Zadka <m@moshez.org>
- Date: 24 Mar 2003 15:46:05 -0000
- Message-id: <20030324154605.27965.qmail@green.zadka.com>
Dear Debian Project Leader, As one of the candidates in the DPL elections, I feel that some remarks made by the secretary in #debian-devel have caused me to be unable to trust his integrity. I do not feel I can trust his words about the voting tallies for the upcoming elections. I wish that an independent Debian Developer be appointed for calculating the tallies himself. The other developer should be a widely trusted developer in the Debian community. Thanks in advance for addressing my concerns, Moshe Zadka DPL Candidate, 2003 Elections -- Moshe Zadka -- http://moshez.org/ Buffy: I don't like you hanging out with someone that... short. Riley: Yeah, a lot of young people nowadays are experimenting with shortness.
--- End Message ---
Here is a log of the offensive messages: ====================================================================== <Manoj> Hmm. isn't thefact that we struggle to make 50% turnout for voting indicative of the fact that we must have tonnes of MIA developers? 09:15 <moshez> no <tbm> partly, yes 09:16 <Manoj> I think we should look good and hardard at the developers who did not vote <moshez> some people just choose not to vote * moshez shrugs <Manoj> there are certain activities you ought to be involved in <bob2> moshez: how come? <Manoj> merely uploading a few packages is doing a piss poor job of being a developer <moshez> bob2: well, I didn't care very much :) <bob2> oh, fair enough. <moshez> Manoj: I disagree. voting is not a duty of a DD. 09:17 <bob2> moshez: hehehe. good to see you, yourself live your 'whatever' philosphy :) <Manoj> I think we need to get rid of people with such a narrow view -- we need more people concerned about the project as a whole, and fewer one-package developers <moshez> Manoj: I have more than one package <moshez> Manoj: and at the time I didn't vote, I was very heavily involved in the BSPs 09:18 <Manoj> moshez: so I mean people with their head in the sand along with their own packages <moshez> Manoj: voting is not that important. <moshez> Manoj: *shrug* <Manoj> I think this is part of the malaise of the project; far too many people have been let in <moshez> Manoj: if someone takes good care of his packages, he's a good DD. if he makes good NMUs, that's a bonus. <moshez> Manoj: without that many people, Debian would not be waht I like it for. 09:19 <Manoj> people who are not concerned with the project of quality at all; just interested in a paltry few packages and getting a @debian.org email address <moshez> Manoj: namely, "has everything more or less well maintained" <moshez> Manoj: *shrug* <Manoj> the project is more than isolated well maintainewd packages <moshez> Manoj: someone who does a great job maintaining one package is a useful DD 09:20 <weasel> re <weasel> what is the best way to destroy a CD? <moshez> we should have lots of those people <bob2> Manoj: Do you think lots of one-package maintainers are a net gain or loss to the project? <Manoj> ad we do not need to package all the software in the world at the expense of quality <bob2> weasel: blowtorch <Manoj> bob2: loss <moshez> Manoj: note that I said "takes good care" not "uploads" <Manoj> weasel: stomp on it <dopey> weasel: fold it in half (well, its the easiest) <bob2> weasel: a microwave is fun, too. <weasel> bob2: and something I can do at home? <Manoj> moshez: and I repeat what I said <moshez> Manoj: *good* packages are worth a lot to the project, even if the DD uploading them does nothing else. <dopey> weasel: you dont have a blowtorch at home? fie! 09:21 <tbm> weasel: I cut one into piecs <Manoj> people who do not take a holistic view of the project are dead weight <moshez> Manoj: I disagree. <weasel> dopey: the data (or parts) would still be recoverable if a TLA really wanted to <bob2> Manoj: How so? Their packages are well-maintained, and they don't take anything away from the more involved DD's. <Manoj> moshez: I know you do. I offer that as proof I am right <moshez> Manoj: those people are the bulk of why Debian is god. <moshez> good <bob2> weasel: microwave is safe. <moshez> Manoj: eh? do you feel I'm dead weight? <weasel> bob2: will it damage my microwave? <Manoj> moshez: your opinion, in reality, counts for less than nothing, as far as I am concerned <bob2> weasel: for some values of 'safe', anyway :) <dopey> weasel: oh, you want the data wiped ? oven, microwave, oxy-welder... 09:22 <con-fuse> weasel: I use them as saucer. <weasel> con-fuse: not with a copy of my secret key, thank you :) <moshez> Manoj: yes, but you have yet to give any evidence for your opinions. extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, and claiming that a competent programmer doing good work on Debian is a dead weight is an extraordinary claim <Manoj> debian is not good because of unrelated packages; (which is largely due to upstream in most of the cases anyway); debian's trength lies in integration, and smooth interaction 09:23 <con-fuse> weasel: hrm? <moshez> Manoj: that's irrelevant to what I said <Manoj> people narrowly focussed on a few packages do not help with what makes debian really great <tbm> weasel: you can send it to me and I will take care of it... <weasel> tbm: sure :) <con-fuse> weasel: you just have to drink the right thing! :) * Manoj goes off to get coffee <moshez> Manoj: nonsesne. you're using a weird definition of words to say silly things which can only have meaning if you change definitions midsentence 09:24 <Manoj> moshez appears to fit the definition of the quintessential slacker 09:25 * moshez shrugs 09:26 <moshez> Manoj appears to think ad-hominem is a useful way to argue <Manoj> do nothing, care for nothing (expect perhaps ones own self[and perhaps ones packages]), say that hard work and dedication do not count for anything <Joy> malaise. man, where do you find those words :) <Manoj> moshez: I am merely using your own words <moshez> Manoj: wrong, I said nothing of the sort 09:27 <moshez> Manoj: I said that people who care for one package are useful. I did not say people doing other hard work are useful <Manoj> Joy: I am merely a a durned furriner from a poor third world country with english as my fourth language too ;-) <moshez> Manoj: you are *abusing* my world in dishonest ways <strib> What's the protocol for versioning a beta release of a package? <Joy> Manoj: yeah, i can see that ;) <moshez> s/world/words/ <moshez> damn fingers 09:28 <Manoj> moshez: the general impression you give is consistent with my portrayal. <Joy> Manoj: oh, BTW, we need to fix the Version numbering section of policy. it recommends using dates without (0.)+ in front, which incites epochs <moshez> Manoj: *shrug* <bob2> strib: 1.3beta3 or so? <Manoj> Joy: good idea <moshez> Manoj: you are slandering me. <Joy> i'll file a bug <moshez> Manoj: that doesn't really give you points in my book <Manoj> strib: 1.3.0.beta3 09:29 <moshez> Manoj: nor does it make me feel good about you being secretary <Manoj> moshez: I am happy not to get points in your book, since everything in it seems to be an anathema to me <moshez> Manoj: again, *shrug* <Manoj> moshez: what the fuck does my opinion have to do with being secretary? 09:30 <moshez> Manoj: if you're willing to slander people like this, you are inherently dishonest. being secretary is all about having your integrity trusted.ou <Manoj> when I speak as secretay, you'll see my nick change <strib> Ah, .beta -- I'll think of that. <Manoj> moshez: ask around what people think of my honesty 09:31 <Manoj> moshez: I no longer trust your judgment anyway <strib> Still doesn't work. <moshez> Manoj: I don't care what people think. I'm afraid I've already made up my mind based on your behaviour. <Manoj> if you feel strongly about your position, fire me if you win, or get the next dpl to fire me. 09:32 <moshez> Manoj: and whichever DPL elected (if it isn't me), I will talk to the DPL <Manoj> good for you. <moshez> Manoj: if it will be me, we will have to have a long talk <Manoj> now, have a happy life, I am ignoring you <strib> dpkg --compare-versions 2.0.6.beta1-1 lt 2.0.6-1 && echo t || echo nil <strib> nil <moshez> Manoj: since I don't think that in light of what you said, we can work together. <Manoj> moshez: if it is you, I'll resign * broonie wonders if there's logs for this channel somewhere net accessable 09:33 <Joy> moshez: now now. no need to blow your chances of ever being a DPL right now. <moshez> Joy: I care less about being DPL than about exposing Manoj's dishonesty. <moshez> Joy: and have whoever is the next DPL handle this problem. <Joy> you also take smack, by the looks of it 09:34 <moshez> Joy: look at what Manoj said <moshez> Joy: I really don't feel Manoj can be trusted with the responsibilities of a secretary 09:35 <strib> After all, he's a figment of Overfiend's imagination. <Joy> yeah, whatever 09:36 <moshez> Joy: in fact, I think I'll publically demand an independent count of the votes <Manoj> this could be entertaining. <Joy> moshez: your ideas are intriguing to me and i wish to subscribe to your newsletter <moshez> Joy: and now that I've said this without knowing the results, it is obviously not because of the results <moshez> whatever they are, I don't feel I trust Manoj <Manoj> I feelso happy <Joy> moshez: i'll take one ticket please to whatever you have to say, please keep talking 09:37 <moshez> Manoj: what is the proper procedure for asking for a seperate count? <Manoj> moshez: so, you'll trust me to tell you the proper procedure? <Robot101> erm <Robot101> aren't all votes made public with a hash per developer? 09:38 <moshez> Manoj: you don't have any incentive to lie <Manoj> moshez: of course I do; baiting you is fun <moshez> R101: not all developers check <moshez> Manoj: *shrug* <Manoj> Robot101: yes, but that is safe only if everyone checks <Manoj> Robot101: of course, I don't know who may not check so .... 09:39 <manty> afternoon! <Robot101> so who else do the votes go to? *** mrra (~user@ is now known as mrra_errand <strib> We could just tell everyone who voted for everyone else, like last time <Manoj> we did not tell who voted for whom last time <Manoj> _I_ was in charge last time <strib> Heh, sorry. No offence intended. 09:40 <Manoj> strib: we did that the time before last, when the tech ctte chairman had to conduct the vote <moshez> Manoj: the constitution does not detail such a procedure, so you as secretary should come up with one. 09:41 <strib> Had the dubious benefit of transparency and openness. Overrated, imo. <Joy> Manoj: how did Raul determine the number of developers that time around? was the election even legal without a quorum? :) <Manoj> Joy: I think there was a quorum count, though I have no idea what it was <Joy> i noticed your stats don't include numbers then <strib> Anyway, since <foo>.beta1-1 is seen by dpkg as "greater" than <foo>-1 I can't use that name. 09:42 <strib> At present, I'm going for <foo-1>+<foo>b1-1 but that's so ugly it could uggle for England. <Manoj> I take it back. there does seem to be no record for 2001 * moshez e-mails 09:43 <Manoj> strib: I use something like that. <Manoj> wait: <Joy> i don't see it on the web, might have to stroll the -vote list archive <strib> ISTR there being something in dpkg that coped with beta versions, but I can't find it in the docs. <Manoj> UPSTREAM=5.9.00161 <Manoj> UVERSION=$UPSTREAM-0.CVS <Manoj> VERSION=$UVERSION.$(date +%Y.%m.%d).1 <Manoj> strib: so I add -0.blah 09:44 <Manoj> $(foo-1)-0.whatever <strib> Mmm, cunning. <Manoj> moshez: having the secretary come up with a protocol to doublecheck what the secretary has done is silly 09:45 <Manoj> moshez: you could never trust that protocol <Joy> hm, no record in -vote archive for the first trimester of 2001 <Manoj> (I may just intitute something that says the secretary is in charge of the recount, and then where would you be?) 09:46 <Manoj> Joy: it was all new to him, and foisted on him in a hurry <gadek> infinity: ping? <Robot101> moshez: as the suspicious one, you should demand what you deem to be necessary to satisfy you. <moshez> R101: I said. "someone else who counts" 09:47 <Joy> Manoj: yeah, it's not like i blame him <Manoj> Joy: and the final tally was really a mistake <moshez> R101: I don't know who appoints someone else, but whoever is appointed should be a widely trusted developer. <moshez> I can come up with plenty of names... <moshez> well, I send mail to leader@ with Cc to secretary@ detailing my wish for an independent count 09:49 <moshez> s/send/sent/ ERC> /nick secretary *** Your new nickname is secretary <Joy> yeah 09:50 <bob2> moshez: not cc'ing it somewhere public? <secretary> I shall bounce that to -vote, since these accusations need to be as open as possible <moshez> well the secretary is,apparently. <secretary> indeed, I think -devel-annaounce is the place for it to go to. * weasel volunteers to recount ERC> /nick Manoj *** Your new nickname is Manoj <Madkiss> weasel: you heard me? when being in Dresden, greet people in Loschwitz :-> 09:51 <Manoj> the secretary is not a public place <Manoj> the secretary is a person <weasel> Madkiss: parse error <moshez> Manoj: the secretary is ccing it somewhere public <Madkiss> weasel: In Dresden, there is a part of town being called "Loschwitz" <weasel> ah :) <Joy> do we archive secretary mail on master? * Joy checks 09:52 <weasel> named after a famous DD? :) <Madkiss> weasel: Rather not. I guess rather my name comes from somewhere there... <Joy> nope, we don't 09:53 <con-fuse> weasel: what are you doing in Dresden? 09:56 * strib is going to visit Wuertzberg (sp?) in a few months 09:57 <_rene_> strib: Würzburg, you mean, right? <Manoj> what does ettiquette say about psoting IRC logs? 09:58 <Manoj> is an IRC channel supposed to be a public forum? <Md> Manoj: yes, but I don't think #debian-devel is supposed to be a public IRC channel 09:59 <Manoj> Md: is it protected in any way? is there a charter? <Md> Manoj: no, no <Md> but lusers are usually quickly recognized and expelled, so there is some control 10:00 <bob2> Didn't this get decided at the end of the neverending irc flamewar a couple of years back? <Manoj> Md: if I am accused of impropriety, I want to make sure I can submit the log in question <bob2> Manoj: it's a hidden channel. it doesn't show up in a /list, and it doesn't appear in the whois info for people who aren't on the channel 10:01 <Manoj> bob2: I don't recall that discussion <Md> bob2: and it's on www.debian.org... :-/ <Manoj> I would say that kinda blows the secrecy angle <bob2> It's only a nominal secrecy, anyway. 10:02 <bob2> People talk about it, and it gets refered to on public lists. <Manoj> wel,, people, I am going to excerpt the logs showing my exchange with moshez, so people know what he is talking about. <Manoj> consider this fair warning; and make your objections heard now 10:03 <moshez> #d-d is a public channel as far as I'm concerned. anything I say here is not a secret. 10:04 <moshez> Manoj: I assume what goes around comes around, and you would not mind 10:05 <moshez> *me* making public excertpts of the logs? <Manoj> moshez: feel free. I am doing a full log, the excerpt meant I am going to exclude the 13000 or so lines of previous chatter 10:06 <moshez> quite all right. <moshez> I'm just making a summary of your quotes, with my edits clearly marked
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