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Bug-Squashing Party #7 on February 15-17

As aj said, it's Huntin' Season.

The seventh Bug-Squashing Party for woody will take place on the third
weekend of February: Friday 15th to Sunday 17th. Our goal is to get the
release-critical bug count down to a level we can actually release by
concentrating on diagnosing and fixing as many of woody's showstoppers
as we can.

If you want to see a quicker release, the most valuable thing you can do
right now is to look through the lists of bugs against the base system
and packages installed in standard configurations. These are the
packages we can't do without, and they must be fixed. The lists are


It would help if developers and interested users both could spend time
looking through these and the list of all release-critical bugs
(http://bugs.debian.org/release-critical/). Diagnose the problem,
construct and test a fix, and send a patch to the bug tracking system.
If a patch has been available for some time, a non-maintainer upload may
be necessary. Read this:


We have hundreds of developers reading this, and many more interested
people who would like to see Debian 3.0 getting out the door. There are
423 bugs in the way. While people should be fixing problems whenever
they can, the point of dedicating time to a bug-squashing party is to
help those people to use their skills where they're most needed, and to
ensure that we duplicate as little work as possible.

The bug-squashing party will be co-ordinated in the #debian-bugs IRC
channel on the OpenProjects network (IRC server irc.debian.org). There
will be people around throughout to offer advice and to review and
upload patches.

Please help fix bugs!

Colin Watson                                       [cjwatson@debian.org]

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