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debconf template translations from ddtp


  We've started the translation of debconf templates some weeks ago.
  See http://ddtp.debian.org/debconf/gnuplot/ddts-stat.png 
  The debconf template translation is still in a beta stage and only
  few translators from 2-3 language teams are making translations
  every now and then.
  But now the first translated debconf templates from the ddtp is
  downloadable from the ddtp web site.
  At http://ddtp.debian.org/debconf/maintainer/new.all.txt you'll get
  a list of all packages including new translated debconf templates.
  (File http://ddtp.debian.org/debconf/maintainer/new.all.sort.txt is
  sorted by number of new translated templates)
  If you are a package maintainer, you can obtain a package-related
  file from
  http://ddtp.debian.org/debconf/maintainer/$PACKAGE with more
  http://ddtp.debian.org/debconf/maintainer/base-config as example:
  |../maintainer/new.all.txt:     84       base-config
  |../maintainer/new.cs.txt:- 26 7 33 base-config
  |../maintainer/new.da.txt:- 29 7 33 base-config
  |../maintainer/new.de.txt:- 29 12 33 base-config
  |../maintainer/new.es.txt:- 25 6 33 base-config
  |../maintainer/new.fr.txt:- 25 6 33 base-config
  |../maintainer/new.hu.txt:- 19 6 33 base-config
  |../maintainer/new.it.txt:- 20 6 33 base-config
  |../maintainer/new.ja.txt:- 21 7 33 base-config
  |../maintainer/new.nl.txt:- 20 6 33 base-config
  |../maintainer/new.pl.txt:- 27 6 33 base-config
  |../maintainer/new.pt_BR.txt:- 30 9 33 base-config
  |../maintainer/new.ru.txt:- 22 6 33 base-config
  The ddtp server has 84 new translated templates for the base-config
  package (first line). The package uses 33 templates of which:
  - 29 are translated into German, and
  - 12 are in ddtp's db only (not in the unstable base-config package)

  You can download translated template files from
  http://ddtp.debian.org/debconf/template_unstable/$PACKAGE (like
  for German)

Michael Bramer  -  a Debian Linux Developer      http://www.debsupport.de
PGP: finger grisu@db.debian.org  -- Linux Sysadmin   -- Use Debian Linux
"Zwei Dinge sind unendlich, das Universum und die menschliche Dummheit,
 aber bei dem Universum bin ich mir noch nicht ganz sicher." -- A.  Einstein

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