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Australian Debian Conference, February 2002 (LCA2002 in Brisbane).

		Debian Conference - Australia, February 4-5 2002

As part of the upcoming Linux.conf.au (see www.linux.org.au/conf) 
Australian National Linux Conference, a smaller Debian Conference is 
being planned for the preceding two days in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

Linux.conf.au (LCA) is a 'roaming' conference under the auspices of Linux 
Australia and the regional Australian Linux User Groups. Last 
January 2001 it was held at the University of New South Wales in Sydney; 
prior to that was the Conference of Australian Linux Users in Melbourne 
in 1999.

Linux.conf.au is being held from Wednesday February 6th until Saturday 
February 9th 2002. Our aim is to hold a smaller sub-conference for 
Debian developers and users, focused specifically on Debian. However, 
so as not to detract from the LCA conference, we are hoping to take any 
prospective speakers from the Debian conference that may have a wider 
appeal and transplant them (and their presentation) to the main LCA 

Attendance to this is seen as an extension to the LCA conference, as 
LCA will be providing a venue for this event.

We are hoping to provide this event as an avenue for Debian Developers 
in the entire Asia-Pacific region (and beyond) to have an excuse to 
congregate in one place in the not too distant future.

It is envisaged that the Debian Conference will run on Monday the 4th 
and Tuesday the 5th of February 2002. This announcement serves also as 
a Call For Participation: if you would like to present a topic of your 
choice at the Debian Conference, please email lca-cfp@linux.org.au 
(the main Call for Papers email address for LCA). Please note on 
your email that you would like to present at the Debian Conference. 
Please suggest several topics if you have more than one, with a brief 
summary of what you will be covering, etc.

The above information can be found at, and is updated at:


For further information on LCA 2002, please email lca-organisers@linux.org.au.

For further information on the Debian Conference, please email 
either jeb@debian.org, or ajt@debian.org.

 James Bromberger <james_AT_rcpt.to> www.james.rcpt.to

 Remainder moved to http://www.james.rcpt.to/james/sig.html

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