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Packages removed from frozen

I have removed these packages from frozen.  They still exist in unstable.

Package: aolserver (debian/main).
Maintainer: Brent A. Fulgham <bfulgham@debian.org>
[REMOVE] This package can be removed if it is not fixed.
  53880 aolserver: fails to build
  55228 aolserver: Can't compile from source (alpha)

Package: bigloo (debian/main).
Maintainer: Craig Brozefsky <craig@red-bean.com>
[REMOVE] This package can be removed if it is not fixed.
[HELP] Maintainer would not mind an NMU to fix these bugs.
  46586 depends on libgc4-dev, which is not installable
  51583 bigloo: build failure on sparc

Package: clanlib0-common (debian/main).
Maintainer: Vaidhyanathan G Mayilrangam <vaidhy@debian.org>
  53169 clanbomber: crashes on the loading pic; previous versions did not
(This meant removing all of clanlib0, as well as clanbomber and pingus)

Package: cln (debian/main).
Maintainer: Richard Kreckel <kreckel@ginac.de>
[REMOVE] This package can be removed if it is not fixed.
  55851 gmp version included old and buggy for powerpc

Package: console-apt (debian/main).
Maintainer: Patrick Cole <z@amused.net>
[REMOVE] Still beta-software, can be removed if not fixed
  55399 console-apt: Exiting on signal 11

Package: curves (debian/main).
Maintainer: Oscar Levi <elf@debian.org>
[REMOVE] This package can be removed if it is not fixed.
  53367 curves: uses old stdc++ library

Package: dbf2mysql (debian/main).
Maintainer: Heiko Schlittermann <heiko@lotte.sax.de>
  43618 dbf2mysql: depends on mysql-base

Package: dx (debian/main).
Maintainer: Konstantinos Margaritis <markos@debian.org>
[REMOVE] This package can be removed if it is not fixed.
  55234 dx: can't build from source
  55620 dx_4.0.10-1(frozen): build fails due to -lMesaGL

Package: explorer (debian/contrib).
Maintainer: Paul J Thompson <thomppj@debian.org>
[REMOVE] This package can be removed if it is not fixed.
  29053 package explorer depends on obsolete library libstdc++2.8
  29686 explorer: the HELP->HelpTopic menu generate a segmentation fault
  53642 Bad dependency

Package: gglyph (debian/main).
Maintainer: David Huggins-Daines <dhd@debian.org>
[REMOVE] This package can be removed if it is not fixed.
  54072 gglyph: recompile for t1lib1

Package: giram (debian/main).
Maintainer: Jerome Marant <jerome_marant@hotmail.com>
  54560 giram coredumps on color change

Package: giram-gnome (debian/main).
Maintainer: Jerome Marant <jerome_marant@hotmail.com>
  54430 problems when removing

Package: giram-gnome-mesa (debian/main).
Maintainer: Jerome Marant <jerome_marant@hotmail.com>
  54561 cannot remove giram-gnome-mesa
  55894 Doesn't contain a valid manual page

Package: gnu-smalltalk (debian/main).
Maintainer: Alexander Shinn <foof@debian.org>
[REMOVE] This package can be removed if it is not fixed.
  45180 gnu-smalltalk: entry blox in window manager menu does not work
  51854 hardcoded dependance on tcl8.0 in blox/Makefile.body

Package: gpasman (non-US/main).
Maintainer: Jules Bean <jules@debian.org>
[REMOVE] This package can be removed if it is not fixed.
  43061 gpasman segfaults when opening database
[WAITING] Maintainer was contacted on Dec 12, awaiting reply.
  51270 gpasman: scrambles database when a bad password used
[WAITING] Maintainer was contacted on Dec 12, awaiting reply.

Package: gtkbrowser (debian/main).
Maintainer: Robert S. Edmonds <stu@novare.net>
[REMOVE] This package can be removed if it is not fixed.
  53045 gtkbrowser: package severely broken/incomplete

Package: happy (debian/main).
Maintainer: Aaron Van Couwenberghe <aaronv@debian.org>
[REMOVE] This package can be removed if it is not fixed.
  52793 happy_1.6-8(unstable): configure doesn't like non-i386
  55248 happy: can't build from source

Package: hylafax-server (debian/main).
Maintainer: Christophe Le Bars <clebars@debian.org>
[REMOVE] This package can be removed if it is not fixed.
  50523 hylafax-server: faxq now doesn't complain, but doesn't work, either
(this meant removing hylafax-client and hylafax-doc as well)

Package: hztty (debian/main).
Maintainer: Anthony Fok <foka@debian.org>
  55251 hztty: can't build from source

Package: iceconf (debian/main).
Maintainer: Jules Bean <jules@debian.org>
[REMOVE] Superseded by icepref?
  39251 iceconf: iceconf uses old workspace commands
[HELP] Could be fixed now...?

Package: libapache-mod-python (debian/main).
Maintainer: Gregor Hoffleit <flight@debian.org>
[REMOVE] This package can be removed if it is not fixed.
[HELP] Gregor is looking for a new maintainer.  Assistance in fixing
    these bugs,or an NMU to fix them, would also be appreciated.
  48804 mod-python crashes apache
  50418 libapache-mod-python explodes now and then

Package: newscache (debian/main).
Maintainer: Michael Alan Dorman <mdorman@debian.org>
[REMOVE] This package can be removed if it is not fixed.
  52583 newscache: Newscache corrupts its own database

Package: penguineyes (debian/main).
Maintainer: Debian QA Group <debian-qa@lists.debian.org>
  55982 penguineyes: has completely crashed my box the only two times I have used it

Package: phpmyadmin (debian/main).
Maintainer: Piotr Roszatycki <dexter@debian.org>
[REMOVE] This package can be removed if it is not fixed.
  53751 Creating tables doesn't work

Package: pptp-linux (debian/main).
Maintainer: Roberto Lumbreras <rover@debian.org>
  55583 Numerous serious bugs (with fixes).

Package: premail (debian/contrib).
Maintainer: Brent Fulgham <bfulgham@pacbell.net>
[REMOVE] This package can be removed if it is not fixed.
[HELP] Mail to maintainer bounced.
  55282 premail: premail does not work with perl-5.005

Package: qftp (debian/main).
Maintainer: Robert S. Edmonds <edmonds@freewwweb.com>
[REMOVE] This package can be removed if it is not fixed.
  53449 package depends on glibc-2.0 based libstdc++

Package: rrdtool (debian/main).
Maintainer: Matt Zimmerman <mdz@csh.rit.edu>
[REMOVE] This package can be removed if it is not fixed.
  50728 rrdtool: needs to run "perl Makefile.PL" in perl-shared and perl-pipe
[STRATEGY] Fix available, sponsor has to do an upload.
  55270 rrdtool: can't build frmo source

Package: rscheme (debian/main).
Maintainer: Rob Browning <rlb@cs.utexas.edu>
[REMOVE] This package can be removed if it is not fixed.
  53734 rscheme: build fails if there is no info about the packages

Package: rscheme-modules (debian/main).
Maintainer: Rob Browning <rlb@cs.utexas.edu>
  55271 rscheme-modules: can't build from source

Package: sciplot (debian/main).
Maintainer: John Lapeyre <lapeyre@physics.arizona.edu>
[REMOVE] This package can be removed if it is not fixed.
  55273 sciplot: can't build from source

Package: sdr (debian/main).
Maintainer: Chu-yeon Park <kokids@debian.org>
[REMOVE] This package can be removed if it is not fixed.
  43755 sdr wont compile, still requires files not present on a Debian system
[WAITING] Maintainer was contacted on Dec 12, awaiting reply.
  50089 sdr: does not compile from source
[WAITING] Maintainer was contacted on Dec 12, awaiting reply.

Package: sxid (debian/main).
Maintainer: Ben Collins <bcollins@debian.org>
[REMOVE] This package can be removed if it is not fixed.
  48193 crashes when it is running from root
[WAITING] Maintainer was contacted on Dec 12, awaiting reply.

Package: tela (debian/main).
Maintainer: John Lapeyre <lapeyre@physics.arizona.edu>
[REMOVE] This package can be removed if it is not fixed.
  48079 unusable because of shared library problems
[WAITING] Maintainer was contacted on Dec 12, awaiting reply.

Package: tkrat (debian/main).
Maintainer: Mark Baker <mbaker@iee.org>
[REMOVE] This package can be removed if it is not fixed.
  51900 tkrat: Hangs while quiting
[HELP] Mark no longer uses tkrat himself, he'd appreciate someone
tracking down the bug.  Reproducing it would help, too.
[INFO] "The thing he mentions about the lock is expected, because he's killing
         it before it has removed the lock. The lock mechanism ought to have
         timeout so this isn't too much of a problem if clients only
         occasionally die, but it is a problem if he has to do it every time."
  55753 tkrat Y2K bug

Package: twcw (debian/main).
Maintainer: Joop Stakenborg <pa3aba@debian.org>
  56347 twcw: sendcw fails

Package: wmmand (debian/main).
Maintainer: Darren O. Benham <gecko@debian.org>
  55843 wmMand crashes as soon as the mouse pointer enters the window

Package: wn (debian/main).
Maintainer: Jean Pierre LeJacq <jplejacq@quoininc.com>
[STRATEGY] Maintainer promised an upload on December 19
  42143 wn: cron.daily/wn recurses infinitely and gives a segment violation
[STRATEGY] New version fixes this; upload is on the way.
  50086 wn: does not build from source
[STRATEGY] New version fixes this; upload is on the way.

Package: wterm (debian/main).
Maintainer: Mark Triggs <mrbump@debian.org>
  54825 wterm: wterm is NOT 8-bit clean

Package: xirc (debian/contrib).
Maintainer: Igor Grobman <igor@debian.org>
[REMOVE] This package can be removed if it is not fixed.
  29029 package xirc depends on obsolete library libstdc++2.8
  48937 xirc broken in potato -- depends on qt1g, not libqt1g

Package: xqf (debian/main).
Maintainer: Michael Alan Dorman <mdorman@debian.org>
[REMOVE] This package can be removed it it is not fixed
  55183 New upstream version 0.9.2

Package: xwave (debian/main).
Maintainer: Philippe Troin <phil@fifi.org>
[REMOVE] This package can be removed if it is not fixed.
  48569 xwave: broken event handling
[WAITING] Maintainer was contacted on Dec 12, awaiting reply.

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