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Re: Timeline for potato

Richard Braakman wrote:

> Here is a summary of the plan for releasing potato.
> January 2       "No new packages" freeze

I have a package (powstatd-crypt) in non-us' incoming since Dec 9th.
Will it go in potato?

If not, I'd like to edit the regular powstatd package to not
refer to a non-existing package (and I'll be disappointed, of course).
> A "Test Cycle" consists of these phases, in order:
>   2-3 days      Preparation
>                                                         No changes are
>                 made to the archive except the ones that are necessary
>                 for this.
>   10-14 days    Testing
>                                              Fixes are prepared for
>                 bugs that are found, but no changes at all are made
>                 to potato during this phase.
>   2-3 days      Evaluation
>                                                            If the current
>                 state of the distribution is acceptable, then potato is
>                 released AS IS, and the Test Cycles end.
>                 Otherwise, available fixes are installed, and extra time

Assume I have a userland package that doesn't affect other
packages and a bug is found during the freeze.  Will I be able to
upload a fix-only to stable only in the Evaluation period and
only if potato is not released AS IS?

Peter Galbraith, research scientist          <GalbraithP@dfo-mpo.gc.ca>
Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada. 418-775-0852 FAX: 775-0546
    6623'rd GNU/Linux user at the Counter - http://counter.li.org/ 

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