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Call for votes: number of logos & their license

This is the call for votes on the number of logos and their license.

The options are:

* single logo
Concept: Same situation as we have now: use one logo that everyone can
  use freely.
Pros: single logo, no hassles with two licenses
Cons: we cannot distinguish products which we feel are more official or
   that deserve some official promotion except by using a special title
  liberal logo license:
    Copyright (c) 1999 Software in the Public Interest
    this logo or a modified version may be used by anyone to refer to
    the Debian project, but does not indicate endoresement by the

* dual logo-set: liberal and official logo
Concept: a liberal logo which may be used and modified by everyone, and
  an official logo with a more restricted license that can be used for
  things that have some official approval
Pros: allows us to distinguish officialy sanctioned things while still
  allowing everyone to use another Debian logo
Cons: two logos might become confusing
  liberal logo license:
    Copyright (c) 1999 Software in the Public Interest
    this logo or a modified version may be used by anyone to refer to
    the Debian project, but does not indicate endoresement by the
  official logo license:
    Copyright (c) 1999 Software in the Public Interest
     I. This logo may only be used if:
       a) the product it is used for is made using a documented procedure 
          as published on www.debian.org (for example official CD-creation), or
       b) official approval is given by Debian for its use in this purpose

     II. may be used if an official part of debian (decided using the rules
         in I) is part of the complete product, if it is made clear that only
         this part is officialy approved

     III. We reserve the right to revoke a license for a product

There are 497 registered voters.  That makes Q 22.29 and the quorum
67 votes.  


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