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Introducing satie.debian.org

As some of you may have noticed pandora has been suffering from lack
of diskspace and intermittent networking problems for a while now.
To address this a new machine is being setup to replace pandora: satie.

satie is a VA2240 donated by VA Linux Systems and hosted by the
Student Net Twente (http://www.snt.utwente.nl) of the University of
Twente (http://www.utwente.nl).

Currently it has a copy of the /home hierarchy from pandora and a /org
from about a week ago. Developers are strongly encouraged to start using
satie instead of pandora from now on. Please note that unlike pandora
satie is running woody.

The various services hosted on pandora (security, non-us, qa and nm)
will be migrated in the next couple of weeks. Once the migration is
complete pandora will be shutdown permanently.


 /wichert@wiggy.net         This space intentionally left occupied \
| wichert@deephackmode.org            http://www.liacs.nl/~wichert/ |
| 1024D/2FA3BC2D 576E 100B 518D 2F16 36B0  2805 3CB8 9250 2FA3 BC2D |

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