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Re: ITP: memprof

>>>>> "J" == James Troup <james@nocrew.org> writes:

    J> Hi, Package: memprof Description: runtime (no need to
    J> recompile) memory profiler and leak detector.  More info:
    J> <URL:http://people.redhat.com/~otaylor/memprof/index.html>
    J> Author: Owen Taylor Copyright: GPL Caveats: it's GNOME, be
    J> afraid, be very afraid of the Depends line

    J> Very cool program...

I actually tried to compile this program last night.  The configure
file looked for the libiberty library, which I had a hard time
tracking down.  It seems this library is included as part of the gcc
source distribution, but I couldn't find a way to grab it in binary
form as part of a Debian package.

Does any Debian package provide libiberty?


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