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Re: October GNOME for slink.

On Fri, Nov 05, 1999 at 03:26:31PM -0500, Martin Weinberg wrote:

> Vincent Renardias wrote on Wed, 27 Oct 1999 18:18:10 -0000
> >
> >I've just compiled the lastest GNOME release (October GNOME) for slink
> >(i386) and uploaded it on www.debian.org.
> >The corresponding apt line is:
> >
> >deb http://www.debian.org/~vincent/ unstable main
> >
> >It's been somewhat tested.
> >Comments, suggestions, constructive criticism is welcome.
> Has worked well for me after a day of casual testing.  Thank you!


Well for me all did work, except for gdm2 :(

I can not log in using gdm2. So now Im still using gnome 1.0's gdm

Does it work for you?
Did you change anithing to make it work, or it just work?

The worst thing is that it does not say that the login/passwd fail. With
root says that root is not allowed (as it should). If I set allow root in
gdm's config, doesn't allow  neigther.
Whith others users don't say nothing and does return to ask for login/pass.

What Im missing?

    Carlos Barros.

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