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Re: Brining up Potato from scratch


On Mon, 2 Aug 1999, Paul M Sargent wrote:
> I'm trying to get Potato installed on to one of my machines I've got here.
> My normal route has been to install slink base and then point apt at the
> unstable archive. A few commands later I'm running potato.
> My problem with this machine is that I can't get the network running under
> Kernel 2.0.x. 2.2.x works great but I've found myself in a little catch 22.
> So, any suggestions how I can get this install started. Basically I need a
> 2.2.x kernel with a 3com Vortex driver available to it, that I can boot and
> start the apt process with.
> I do have a potato box here, so if I need to create disks from it I can.

I suggest you install kernel-package on your potato box and creake with
make-kpkg a kernel-image.deb with the needed options for your other box.
Then install slink and the kernel-image.deb (should fit on at most 2
floppies), reboot and continue with an 2.2.x kernel.

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