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Re: Uploaded linuxinfo 1.0.4-5 (source i386) to master

> Erick Kinnee" wrote:
> I would like to move this to devel for discussion... When are we going 
> to make the move? If the popular vote/feeling is removal then I'll go 
> ahead and pull this upload.
Well, AFAIK, glibc2.1 was pulled from release because the license was 
not as clear as it should have been. So first of all, that needs to be 
cleared up far upstream before we can even think about compiling and 
releasing packages against it.

The AtticKeeper: Rev. David Morris
mailto: bweaver@pionet.net
Leap and the net will appear -- unknown
Nerdnosh Attic: http://www.nerdnosh.org/attic/
Lectionary Page: http://www.netins.net/showcase/dmorris/

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