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So how about those XFree86 3.3.3(.1) .debs?

Once again a chorus of complaints has arisen about the absence of Debian
packages for the newest upstream version of XFree86.

Let me make a public announcement on the subject.

A number of people expressed a desire to create some .debs for XFree86

I do not want to discourage anybody from doing this (it would greatly
reduce the amount of harassment I get, especially on IRC), but please,
please try to understand that I have to make the following caveats:

* Please, PLEASE, release to project/experimental (or put them on a
  webpage), and loudly inform users of the packages that they should *NOT*
  use the Debian Bug Tracking System with regard to these packages.  I
  simply do not have the resources to keep up with more than one version
  of X at a time, and maintaining my rather large percentage of the open
  bug reports in Debian is hard enough without taking version skew into
  account.  If the BTS had some nifty feature like user-definable flags
  that I could set on a per-bug basis, I could probably handle it.  But it

* Please understand that I will probably package from scratch
  myself, and likely completely disregard any other packagings of it when
  I do so.  It's going to be enough of a headache rewriting the rules file
  and re-merging all of the existing Debian patches (excluding the ones
  already taken care of upstream) without having to sync up with yet
  another set of changes.

* Anyone who *does* encounter any remarkable issues with respect to the
  packaging procedure itself, please mail branden@debian.org about it.  If
  you find anything surprising or potentially painful about the new X,
  consider showing mercy on me and warning me about it.

I am fairly confident that anyone who sits down and carefully tries
to Debianize, while still preserving any needed existing
Debian patches, will understand why I have not yet done so.  Maybe I'm
overestimating the difficulty, but so far the prospect has me quaking in
my boots.

Nevertheless, if you do and if you succeed, Godspeed to you.  I am
perfectly willing to put a prominent link in the "News" section of the
X Stike Force page to these experimental packages (though I get the
feeling that the only people who ever look at the XSF are the kind
who'd already know about such packages...*sigh*).  Indeed, I'll do
everything in my power to direct people to them.

Finally, as for why isn't in slink, I'll say it again: slink
officially froze on or about October 16th.  I know the FTP site took
about a month actually implementing the freeze, but that's when my plans
became set in stone.  The nature of a freeze is such that, the longer it
drags on, both the perceived urgency of new upstream versions and the
risk of forcing it in goes up.  I have not received a mail from Brian
White telling me to go ahead with 3.3.3 or in the face of the
freeze.  In fact, I probably make him nervous with my "deep freeze" X
releases (my managing to break the record for longest Debian changelog
ever, and doing so during a deep freeze, probably made him uneasy).
Anyway, as I understood the slink freeze timetable and conditions, I
have only been doing what is required of me as a developer.  And why
isn't in potato?  That's one's easy.  I just haven't had time.

G. Branden Robinson              |    I am sorry, but what you have mistaken
Debian GNU/Linux                 |    for malicious intent is nothing more
branden@ecn.purdue.edu           |    than sheer incompetence!
cartoon.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |    -- J. L. Rizzo II

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