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Re: Kernel 2.2 and Slink

On Fri, Feb 12, 1999 at 11:49:56AM +0100, Santiago Vila wrote:
> If Linux 2.2 is important enough, maybe we could freeze potato as soon as
> slink is released, target potato for Linux 2.2 (not only a release which
> is "Linux-ready", but make it fully based on Linux 2.2), and delay the 
> new libc 2.1 to the release after potato.

Errm, there are two reasons I disagree with this, both possible to get
around with a little extra work..

One is that, well, how much is there to do? Really?

And the other..
glibc 2.1 was made to use 2.2.x's features, and for some of them you
do need glibc 2.1 for them to be completely effective..

The other being, from what I understand our current libc is a patchwork
of backports from glibc 2.1, which really should be replaced with the
real thing...

So, how about a freeze date two months after slink release, with a large
notice that maintainers should take a good while to consider, can they
be absolute, entirely, completely, finished with any major changes, in
two months..

Not taking into consideration the freeze time, assume that you must be
/DONE/ by freeze, can they manage it?

And I'm going to trust that the active developers have enough good
judgment to decide if they will try and hit it or not..

Would anyone overly object to this?

Zephaniah E. Hull.
> (If we want to do everything at a time, we could easily repeat the
> Debian 2.0 syndrome again).
> -- 
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