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Re: Conflicting packages not of extra priority.

I wrote:
> Don't you need an exception for c/p/r's and such?

Jules Bean writes:
> No.  They're new versions, essentially.  New versions with different
> names.  

> If A c/p/r B, then B will either be removed from the dist (the common
> case) or moved to extra (if there is a reason that some people might
> prefer B).

I realize that.  However, someone earlier was complaining that Santiago's
interpretation must be wrong because it would force packages that c/p/r
into Extra, and this is obviously wrong.  The fact that he was able to
misinterpret it this way implies to me that it isn't entirely clear.
John Hasler
john@dhh.gt.org (John Hasler)
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

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