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Re: Getting newer kernels into stable

Scripsit Andrew Pollock <debian-lists-2004@andrew.net.au>

> for example, let's say hypothetically, Sarge shipped with 2.6.4, and then 3
> months later, Sarge_r1 ships with 2.6.6 as the default kernel, and a month
> later, a vulnerability is found in 2.6.4, that isn't in 2.6.6. Would we need
> to issue a patched 2.6.4 if we were already providing a non-vulnerable 2.6.6
> in a newer point release of stable?

If a patched 2.6.4 were *not* released, people would not be able to get
the patch simply by doing 'apt-get update && apt-get upgrade' once in
a while.

Even if we issued an empty transition kernel-image-2.6.4 to pull in
2.6.6 (which is dangerous in and of itself), apt-get would not
actually upgrade unless it gets 'apt-get dist-upgrade'.

Henning Makholm                              "En tapper tinsoldat. En dame i
                                         spagat. Du er en lykkelig mand ..."

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