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Re: Returned Mail

On Fri, 22 Aug 2003 11:51, TheCreechers@aol.com wrote:
> I am receiving notices of returned mail from people that I never wrote to
> or do not know. Why am I getting these. Today I've gotten at least 10.
> I hope I'm reporting this to the correct person. Please help if possible.

It's a virus.  Email viruses generally fake the From: field of the messages 
that they send out.  Therefore some virus messages will have your address in 
the From: field, and you will receive virus warnings and responses from all 
sorts of auto-responder programs.

The anti-virus messages are generally spam advertising anti-virus software, 
report it to your favourite spam prevention service.

For the auto-responders you can write to them directly and ask them to make 
their machines stop sending email to you.

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