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Re: Binaryless uploads [Was: FTBFS: architecture all packages]

On Mon, Aug 18, 2003 at 10:04:49AM -0600, Joel Baker wrote:
> So, in the interest of proposing a (hopefully) useful alternative, which
> doesn't cause 11 buildd failures because of a flat-out binary-less upload
> policy:
> [ Proposal - capitalized words should be considered to have RFC-style     ]
> [ meanings, because I want to be clear and I'm sure this would be         ]
> [ rewritten before going into any actual policy.                          ]
> Uploads to the archive MAY contain compiled package files for any of the
> currently supported architectures; they SHOULD (MUST?) contain at least one
> full set of architecture-specific package files.
> Uploads MUST NOT contain architecture-independant package files; for
> each upload, one build daemon will be selected to build and upload the
> architecture-independant packages, in the same general manner as building
> the architecture-dependant packages for architectures which were not
> uploaded (this is not guaranteed to occur on the same run as a build of any
> architecture-dependant packages; it is not even guaranteed to occur on the
> same build daemon).
> [ End ]

This is based on the assumption that a given buildd has a better
chance of being "valid" than the maintainer's workstation. I see no
reason to believe that.

  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Andrew Suffield
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