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Cron-apt and security.debian.org


I recently got a request from a cron-apt user. He mentioned that
the default times that cron-apt runs at do not work very well
(incresed number of failures which disappeared when he changed the time).
He assumed that it was because too many people were using cron-apt.

What i want to know if I can (and where) gather some information about 
the hit-ratio on security.debian.org so I can tell if that is the problem
or not.

If it is a problem I'll randomize the cron file.


// Ola

 --------------------- Ola Lundqvist ---------------------------
/  opal@debian.org                     Annebergsslingan 37      \
|  opal@lysator.liu.se                 654 65 KARLSTAD          |
|  +46 (0)54-10 14 30                  +46 (0)70-332 1551       |
|  http://www.opal.dhs.org             UIN/icq: 4912500         |
\  gpg/f.p.: 7090 A92B 18FE 7994 0C36  4FE4 18A1 B1CF 0FE5 3DD9 /

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