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Re: Bug#191036: create /run for programs that run before /var is mounted

On 01 May 2003 09:46:17 +0200, Thomas Hood <jdthood0@yahoo.co.uk> said: 

> On Thu, 2003-05-01 at 00:22, Bill Allombert wrote:
>> We should focus on /run for now.

> OK, I'm glad you are going to focus on this.

> It looks like you will need to get policy changed before the
> maintainers of the affected packages will implement /run/.

	There are a few obstacles with this approach.
 a) Policy changes require consensus
    I see no such consensus emerging; Indeed, the people who manage
    the packages most affected by this change seem to be unconvinced,
    based on a message you wrote recently
 b) Policy documents current practice. Changing policy is necesarily
    something that is not taken lightly, especially when a large
    number of packages are affected, or there is a large user visible
    change, or, as in this case, it would involve Debian being
    different from other distributions and Unices. Indeed, the
    canonical method has been for a sub-policy document to be created
    independently, and getting the affected maintainers to ratify and
    implement this document, and then, once things are working, to get
    the document into policy. 

 c) Policy is not a stick to make people not convinced of the change
    to conform -- at the very least one needs to get the buy in of the
    people who need to be doing the work. 

	As it stands, a means that you need to get the tech ctte to
 change policy, or ram through a GR; or come up with a means of
 convincing the opposition of the merits of this proposal.

A "practical joker" deserves applause for his wit according to its
quality. Bastinado is about right.  For exceptional wit one might
grant keelhauling. But staking him out on an anthill should be
reserved for the very wittiest. Lazarus Long
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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