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Re: [Moshe Zadka <m@moshez.org>] Independent Count

On Mon, Mar 24, 2003 at 01:56:14PM -0300, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
> Moshe wrote:
> >>I do not feel I can trust his words about the voting tallies for the
> >>upcoming elections. I wish that an independent Debian Developer be
> >>appointed for calculating the tallies himself.
> Maybe I am dense, but isn't the entire voting published (in hashed format)
> so that every developer that voted can see for himself if he vote was
> counted or not?  And, I suppose, raise a major havok if it is wrong?

You would also have to make sure that there are no additional votes, but
you also have the list of people having voted. That said, if there is an
additional (MIA) devleopper there, he would probably not notice that
someone voted for him, or something such, so to be on the safe side, you
should contact all of them to get confirmation.

> So, it would be just a matter of rerunning the counting script over the data
> published, and check wether it matches or not.

Or you could count them by hand.

> So, in essence, EVERYONE can do such verification, already...



Sven Luther

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