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Wanted: co-maintainers for webmin and usermin.

Unfortunately real life is leaving me less and less time for Debian stuff
and I think the webmin/usermin packages are suffering.  I don't want to
orphan them, I just want some help in doing timely updates, answering bug
reports etc.  Then I could be free to do things like the Debian specific
modules I've been promising for a long time and that sort of thing.

So if you are a developer (Sorry no people still in the queue.  Having to
sponsor your upload would defeat the whole point.) and you know perl and
if you can cope with a wacky build system (another thing that needs
improving)  then please contact me.

Jaldhar H. Vyas <jaldhar@debian.org>
La Salle Debain - http://www.braincells.com/debian/

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