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[desktop] debian backgrounds package

I intend to create a package which will contain debian related
backgrounds.  (For the moment it is not a "true" ITP) I know, there are
some backgrounds in the desktop-base package. However I thinks that
these backgrounds will not suit to everybody. For example, I really like
Ayo's, but some people found them too flashy. That's why I intend to put
a large selection of debian background in a separate package. I have
started creating a list of available debian backgrounds. This list can
be found on http://people.debian.org/~kelbert/wallpapers.html (It
doesn't look very nice, it's only a list of links)
What do you think about this idea ?

We could imagine that backgrounds which will be in this package will
be selected by users, by using a sort of poll, before uploading the
package into debian. As a matter of fact, I think that having too much
backgrounds will not facilitate final user choice and taking too much
space on the servers.

Another point that I would like to point out concerns the size of
provided backgrounds.  According to a survey on kde-look.org, the most
used resolution (for kde users) is 1024x768 (47%)
That's why I think that all backgrounds should be provided in this size
if possible. However we have to think on what to do if a background is
available on many size. Should a package for each resolution be created
? In that case should we resize backgrounds that are not available in a
specific size, so that all background packages will contain the same
backgrounds, or shouldn't we ?
I am waiting on your opinion on this suggestion.

Jean-Michel Kelbert

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