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Re: Announcing apt-watch: a Gnome 2 panel applet to check for upgrades


On Wed, Dec 18, 2002 at 10:24:17AM -0500, Daniel Burrows wrote:

>     - Icons are desperately needed.  Currently the applet just prints
>       out some text indicating its state; I'd prefer something like:
>         * Rotating arrows to indicate that it is presently checking for
> 	  new updates.
> 	* An icon, perhaps a flashing "!", to indicate that updates are
> 	  available.

Whatever you do, don't do the flashing. Flashing and animating draw
far too much attention; effectively this puts psychological pressure on
people to update immediately, as soon as there's a release. That's
uncalled for. It makes you feel you're neglecting something if you don't
obey the exclamation mark immediately and update.

I even find the cursor block that flashes in a 4x4 xterm when there's
new mail, too distracting at times.



E-Advies / Emile van Bergen   |   emile@e-advies.info
tel. +31 (0)70 3906153        |   http://www.e-advies.info

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