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Re: [desktop] why kde and gnome's menu situation sucks

On Thu, 24 Oct 2002 01:06:01 +0200
Marek Habersack <grendel@caudium.net> wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 24, 2002 at 12:50:26AM +0200, Joakim Kolsjö scribbled:
> [snip]
> > > which files would contain the customized settings for what we have now and
> > > the Desktop Debian variant. It would probably require extending the
> > > alternatives system to the configuration files, though (or perhaps making
> > > the config files auto-generated in postinst and removed/backed up/migrated
> > > in prerm etc.?)
> > > 
> > 
> > Okey... this seems nice. There is one thing that i have been thinking about.
> > Are two diffrent menus good, one for KDE and one for Gnome. Or is it better
> > to create one "Debian Desktop" menu that has the same contents in both KDE
> > and GNOME?
> Nah. Don't repeat the RedHat mental fart they did in their last release.
> GNOME and KDE are two different environments and they should be kept
> separated in a visible way, IMHO. I expect Debian Desktop to deliver the
> same set of modifications to both environments, but I see no point in making
> a mess out of the newbie KDE user's desktop or the newbie GNOME user's
> desktop. I think it's healthier to keep those two separate.

In a way... i agree. Because if DD start changing menu's, people are bound to
become unhappy about it. IMHO, DD is a way to make shure that installation,
configuration and usage goes as smooth as possible, but not makeing it less
flexible because of it, even "after" DD, Debian should still be Debian, but
maybe a bit more "user friendly" =)

Joakim Kolsjö
A member of The Swedish Linux Society, http://se.linux.org.

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