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fpm - password manager


I am trying to decide what to do with one of my packages, fpm.

Put simply, the situation is as follows:

* I have added a number of (some of them rather big; eg importing from
gpasman) changes to do stuff that should really be done in upstream

* I have heard rumours that upstream have made some of these changes,
but different and incompatable way to the way I have made the changes.

* There is an important bug against fpm, where it can currupt user
data, if the user does certain operations in a particular order.
Bug #158016.

* I have tried forwarding this bug upstream, but so far got no

* Just to make matters more complicated, it seems I somehow misread the
initial bug report. Don't read my theory as to what the problem is, use
the text of the bug submitter instead!

* There has not been a new upstream version since July 2000. This
version is labeled "beta version".

* There has not been any activity on the mailing lists in ages
(well... none since I first subscribed at least).

* There are also two other bugs: no man page, and gpasman is only
imported when running fpm on the second time (which is specific to
the way I have implemented importing from gpasman, which is probably
different in upstream's code).

So does anybody have better contacts with the upstream authors
then I do?

Or does anyone have good ideas on how to deal with any of these bugs?

If so, does this person have any sudden urge to take over maintaining

(If not, I will continue maintaining it; I feel though that somebody
else might be able to do a better job at it then me).
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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