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Definite menu code rewrite (update - Jul 23)

After some intenstive coding last night (nothing like an empty room
with no net access or TV - just an air conditioner, a desk and a
lamp), I now have a reasonable amount of code to convert Debian menu
entries into .desktop files, complete with a reasonable Categories
field.  What's not done is any sort of parsing of the hints that seem
to be in use, but I'll try to get to that soonish; in any event,
proper .desktop files by maintainers will require some edits.  I'm
also not entirely sure how to make Emacs recognize that .desktop files
are UTF-8 encoded (cating them in uxterm seems to work fine though -
probably just my non-familiarity with Unicode talking here).  Finally,
I need to figure out how to get the USB floppy on my laptop system
working so I can transfer files (sneakernet is fun!).

Next project: come up with some sort of generic code for parsing a
.desktop file that can be used for the new-style menu-method files
(which will not live in /etc/menu-methods... probably
/etc/debmenu-methods instead), and an example that works with Sawfish
(since that's what I use).

Also to be done: a draft policy proposal (probably just a separate
subpolicy to replace the existing menu policy).

Chris Lawrence <lawrencc@debian.org> - http://www.lordsutch.com/chris/

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