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Linux Fonts


Hopefully this is the right list to ask these
questions, if not please point me in the right

I am an ameature font designer, and I am currently
working on a standard sarif and non sarif typeface
that I would like to release specifically for the
Linux community (full character set complete with
proper hinting and kerning/metrics).  I understand
there is a lack of high quality fonts which have
liscenses open enough to include in Linux distros.

My questions are:
1. What sort of liscense should I release it under?  I
would like it to be freely changeable, distributable,
sellable, ect. with the condition that a small text
file accompanies the distribution. Could this fall
under the GPL?  As the typeface is truetype, there is
no "source code" beyond the font file itself.

2. I am sort of new to the Linux community so I am not
really sure who I should let know when my font is
ready, so that it could possible be included in
various distros?

Dustin Norlander

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