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Re: are uploads to frozen/testing possible?

#include <hallo.h>
Alexander Kotelnikov wrote on Thu Jun 27, 2002 um 07:12:39PM:

> /usr/bin from /usr/X11R6/bin according to policy. The thing I forgot

Which policy? fvwm2 is not a part of XFree core packages, so what it the
reasons for placing the binaries there?

FHS says:

4.1 /usr/X11R6 : X Window System, Version 11 Release 6

This hierarchy is reserved for the X Window System, version 11 release 6, and related files.

And most window managers use /usr/bin.

[/me] Gibt es in Java keine Text-Konstanten für den Präprozessor?
[Alex] Glaube nicht. Aber du kannst es ja durch andere Variablen emulieren!
[/me] Yep. Und dann könnte Dr. Bender da vorne auch Dr. Hagen emulieren ;)

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