Uninstallable packages in woody
A few weeks ago I started to play with a poor's man dependency checker
written in awk. As of today, the following dependencies in woody (main)
may not be satisfied within woody (main).
debaux depends on libnet-ssh-perl which is not available
dpsyco-cfengine depends on cfengine which is not available
harden-surveillance depends on netsaint which is not available
libjdom-java depends on libxalan2-java which is not available
libxt-java depends on libxalan2-java which is not available
libxt-java depends on libservlet2.2-java which is not available
netsaint-statd-plugins depends on netsaint which is not available
records-gnuemacs depends on mailcrypt which is not available
sourceforge depends on proftpd which is not available
sql-editor depends on python-pgsql or python2.2-pgsql or python2.1-pgsql or python2-pgsql or python1.5-pgsql neither of which is available
webmin-jabber depends on jabber which is not available
[ No claim of completeness ].
I believed this was never supposed to happen, since the scripts that
create testing make sure that all dependencies may be met within testing.
In either case, the uninstallable packages should be removed now,
not in the last minute before the release, because removing a package
may make in turn other dependencies to be unmet.
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