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Default existence of 'ld.so.conf'...


I'm not a developer, just a Debian user trying to track down a 'postinst'
error in a package on a brand-new Woody install (very sparse, only base +
~10 additional packages).

So, my question is: Does Debian policy have anything to say about the
guarantee of existence of '/etc/ld.so.conf'.  It's clear (from 'dpkg -L
libc6') that libc6 does not include it (even though that's were it would
appear it should exist, if Debian were to include it by default), and it
also appears not to be an explicit 'conffile' [1].  I further searched the
Debian Policy manual, but could not find an explicit statement on this

My base Woody install does not have any '/etc/ld.so.conf', and I'm wondering
where the appropriate bug should be filed.  The package in question above
assumes that '/etc/ld.so.conf' exists (tries to 'grep' it), and fails when
it can't be found.  Should the bug be filed against that package (maybe it
should 'touch /etc/ld.so.conf' in the beginning of its 'postinst' script),
or maybe libc6 should include a blank '/etc/ld.so.conf'?

I'm interested in anyone's thoughts on this.  Thanks so very much.

Take care,

PS Please cc: me on this.  Thanks.

[1] Reply by Joey Hess:

Daniel A. Freedman
Laboratory for Atomic and Solid State Physics
Department of Physics
Cornell University

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