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a crude script to check if we can release with dpkg --force-overwrite off.

The following script needs to be ran as root, and if
it completes without error, we know --force-overwrite isn't needed.

# 2002 Apr 27 Junichi Uekawa
# distributed under GNU GPL version 2 or later

set -e

function check_deps () {
    for A in $*; do
	apt-get install -y $A; 

zcat Contents-i386.gz | \
    awk '/^FILE/,/^$/ {print}' | \
    awk '$NF ~ /,/ {print $NF}' | \
    sort | uniq | \
    while read A; do
    check_deps $(echo $A | awk 'BEGIN{RS=","; FS="/"} {print $NF}' )

dancer@debian.org : Junichi Uekawa   http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer
GPG Fingerprint : 17D6 120E 4455 1832 9423  7447 3059 BF92 CD37 56F4
Libpkg-guide: http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer/column/libpkg-guide/

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