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Re: Woody upgrade experience

: Which X server is default is handled by a debconf question.
: Do you have DEBIAN_PRIORITY set to "critical", or DEBIAN_FRONTEND set
: to "noninteractive"?

Indeed, after debconf had advised me to that purpose :-)

Good to know it's that easily solved, although <stupid>me</stupid>
doesn't quite realize why the default server should be changed when
the question is not asked. But this is the 3.3.6 packages, so don't

: apt-get install x-window-system

The missing 'fixed' font occurred on the new computer.
Could be I didn't install the whole X window system
correctly before upgrading to woody; I sure didn't configure
it. Or could be the upgrade itself was not correct. I can't
completely reconstruct the situation, so please take that
cum grano salis.


Claus Fischer <claus.fischer@clausfischer.com>

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