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Re: feedback wanted alternative Debian installation system

Our team is now in deep QA mode, so I can't spare a single machine to
test PGI on real hardware. Is there any way to dry-run in isolated

I have some questions on features too. I feel like I'm nitpicking, but
if I get confused, maybe feature descriptions need to be more clear?

On Wed, Feb 27, 2002 at 03:38:29AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
>      * Even when the X Window System is unavailable, PGI's text mode
>        spares the Linux novice the intimidation of a shell prompt. The
>        dialog utility is used to provide a friendly,
>        menu-and-button-driven interface to the text-mode installer.

Does it mean that the invaluable shell in second virtual console is
gone? One thing I like about current Debian installer is that I can
switch there and tweak some things by hand.

>      * PGI is boot-loader agnostic. On the x86 platform, PGI uses GNU
>        GRUB for a friendly, menu-driven boot loader. GNU GRUB also
>        supports a powerful command-line interface at boot time, if the
>        user elects to use it. On the IA-64 platform, elilo is used, and
>        the Linux kernel's interface to EFI variables are used to update
>        the boot menu in the system firmware.

Boot-loader agnostic == GRUB only (for x86)? Does it provide an option
to install LILO instead?

Dmitry Borodaenko

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