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Re: Debian Password Manager

You should have a look at the project 'PASSWORD SAFE'


An interesting point with this project is that BRUCE SCHNEIER is behind
it. Cryptographic software are not a easy thing and you need a lot of
knowledge to get a real security. I've not followed the original thread
about your soft and don't know who are in the Team but you should
certainly redirect your ressource on this project.

And debian in the name is not a good idea. For what I understand of your
project (which seems to be very similar to password safe) you need an
adoption from others softwares (mozilla, gnupg, ...) so restricting
yourself to debian is the wrong way.

To conclude you are clearly off topic here.

Good luck,

On Tue, Jan 29, 2002 at 11:14:57PM +0100, Manuel Estrada Sainz wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 29, 2002 at 05:44:35PM -0200, Gustavo Noronha Silva wrote:
> > On 29 Jan 2002 11:25:34 -0500
> > Scott Henson <shenson2@wvu.edu> wrote:
> > 
> > > The Dedian Password Manager is coming to the point where we are going to
> > > start developing it.  Now we would like a general consensus on the name
> > > for it since we need to name the bianary and other things.  Currently it
> > > is at dpasman.sf.net  We are looking for sujestions and advice. 
> > > Thankyou for any help.
> > the webpage has nothing... what's this all about? I don't remember
> > reading about this on -devel, any reference?
>  You should search for gpasman.
>  The main idea is protecting a password database with a master password,
>  so you only have to remember one password.
>  We just started too days ago, so there is nothing but a messy notes
>  file with some brain storming (which I just uploaded to http://dpasman.sf.net)
>  Take a look at:
>  	http://gpasman.nl.linux.org/
> 	and
> 	http://bugs.debian.org/gpasman
>  We like the idea behind gpasman, but the implementation is completly
>  broken and we don't like it. So we are planning to make a replacement
>  from the ground up. Not only to replace gpasman but also providing a
>  software interface so other programs like galeon can use it as a
>  secure password manager.
>  We have to give it a name and decided to ask for opinions over here.
>  Scott at first thought of dpasman but Pete suggested dpassman, the fact
>  is that the acount at SourceForge is named dpasman and the web page
>  http://dpasman.sf.net/
>  We are open to suggestion, Scott just set up a mailing list at
>  sourceforce: dpasman-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
>  Thanks for your time
> 	ranty
> -- 
> --- Manuel Estrada Sainz <ranty@debian.org>
> 			 <ranty@atdot.org>
> ------------------------ <ranty@soon.com> ---------------------------------
> God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to
> change the things we can, and wisdom to know the difference.
> -- 
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Christophe Barbé <christophe.barbe@ufies.org>
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