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Re: packages.debian.org with translated descriptions...

On Tue, Dec 18, 2001 at 07:00:55PM +0100, Joerg Wendland wrote:
> Cool work! But...


> who does all this translation work? I think especially of the german

see the files on auric.debian.org/~grisu/ddtp/ and the beta page

> translation. I read some pages and was somewhat, say, amazed what
> one can read there. There are plenty translations simply done
> word by word resulting in something i would not call german.
> Would just should not provide not existing words to users who
> read the german translation because of their unability to read
> english text.

some comments:

 - normal debian user/developers make the translations of the
 - the DDTP has a own BTS for the translations. If you have a better
   translation, you can submit a changed translation to the project
 - the DDTP/DDTS support a review system. Now only the it and fr
   translators use this review system. 
   In this review process the server send all translated descriptions to
   three reviewer who check the translation. And only if all three
   reviewer and the translator sign the translation, the translated
   description will pass the review process.

Maybe I should make a new DDTP summary ...

> PS: please forgive me for my english ;-) how can one join the
>     translation project?

write a mail to
with a subject like 
	GET 5 de
and you will get some untranslated description and a guide.

Michael Bramer  -  a Debian Linux Developer      http://www.debsupport.de
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