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Re: [2001-11-29] Freeze Update

Bug 121341 filed against LILO should be release critical too as I believe it 
may break things on upgrade from Potato for some people.

However I can't reproduce it, and neither can joey now...

This is a great concern.  We have a situation where possibly there is a 
chance of upgrades from older versions failing and currently can't fix it as 
we can't reproduce it.

If anyone can reproduce this then please send me the output of
"ls -l /boot/boot*" and "md5sum /boot/boot*" at the time it fails.

For those of you who have my mobile phone number, please feel free to call me 
at any time if you reproduce this (I expect you won't want to leave your 
machine in a state where LILO isn't correctly installed - but I would prefer 
the opportunity to request some more data from you before you 
upgrade/downgrade to fix it).

Russell Coker

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