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Re: hurry up already with official 2.4

On Wed, Nov 14, 2001 at 01:33:48PM -0500, Christopher C. Chimelis wrote:
> I've crashed 2.4 on all of my machines, but things are slowly getting
> better.  I think once 2.5 development starts, we'll see 2.4 stabilise
> quite a bit....if it does, maybe it'll be ready for r1 :-)

good luck convincing the boot-floppies team to completly destablize
the boot-floppies in the middle of a stable release and go through
monthes of work just to rework them into using 2.4.  woody will be
using 2.2 on i386 forever, or at least as long as woody uses
boot-floppies.  switching to debian-installer in the middles of a
stable release would be just as folly IMO.

Ethan Benson

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