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Re: RFD: translated description with dpkg

>>"Michael" == Michael Bramer <grisu@debian.org> writes:

 Michael> reasons:
 Michael>   - we make a own description-translation package. this package have
 Michael>     only the mo file (and maybe some README, copyright, etc.)
 Michael>   - we don't touch any .deb files
 Michael>   - we don't touch any /var/lib/dpkg/* files
 Michael>   - we don't touch any Packages files

	Any idea of the size of this package as we cross 10,000

 "He don't know me vewy well, DO he?"  -- Bugs Bunny
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

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