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Re: editor wars!;-)

On Sat, Aug 25, 2001 at 01:44:45PM -0400, Alan Shutko wrote:
> > What are you refering to?  The 'line noise' that 'emacs' had 20 years
> > ago?
> Yes, teco.  vi doesn't even come close in the line noise department.

I suggest the entry for teco in foldoc ($ dict teco):

          As an example of TECO's obscurity, here is a TECO program that
          takes a list of names such as:
                  Loser, J. Random
                  Quux, The Great
                  Dick, Moby
          sorts them alphabetically according to surname, and then puts
          the surname last, removing the comma, to produce the
                  Moby Dick
                  J. Random Loser
                  The Great Quux
          The program is
                  [1 J^P$L$$
                  J <.-Z; .,(S,$ -D .)FX1 @F^B $K :L I $ G1 L>$$
          (where ^B means "Control-B" (ASCII 0000010) and $ is actually
          an {alt} or escape (ASCII 0011011) character).

Christian Surchi   |   csurchi@debian.org   |   christian@firenze.linux.it    
FLUG: http://www.firenze.linux.it | Debian GNU/Linux: http://www.debian.org
I put up my thumb... and it blotted out the planet Earth. -- Neil Armstrong

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