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harden distribution

Hi there,
I know, there were lots of discussions around this, but I'll try this anyway.
Why isn't it possible to make a hardened distribution?
The mean point is, a harden-task isn't everything we have to do.

What I mean is a distribution in which every programm is compiled using 
stackguard. Some security related systems, like lids and so on.
The problem is, hey, of course we can recompile all the programms 
and make a -sg version of all our packages, but themn the distribution becomes
too complex I think. 

Where is the problem with this? Why is it so cool to get a win32 port, but 
a hardened linuxdistribution is so deprecated?

I don't know, what your problems are, would be cool to get a real explanation
with real arguments.

(NOT: we don't want this. make a taskpackage (which isn't a really good idea :)).

so long...


P.S.: please include me in your replies, because I am not subscribed to dd
anymore, too much unwanted trafic.
  __          _              | David "netzwurm" Spreen      Kiel, Germany
 / _|___  ___| |__  __ _ _ _ | http://www.netzwurm.cc/      david@spreen.de
|  _/ _ \/ _ \ '_ \/ _` | '_|| gnupg key (on keyservers):   C8B6823A
|_| \___/\___/_.__/\__,_|_|  | CellPhone:                   +49 173 3874061

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